By Betsy Model, President

Tiffany Monhollon, a graduate student at the University of Oklahoma, is requesting assistance and input from Rio Grande Chapter members for a study focused on PR and social media influences on journalism.  Tiffany has focused her master’s thesis on the topic of trust between journalists and public relations practitioners as it relates to their use of social media technologies.  She is specifically asking for input from journalists in the southwestern region of the United States.

Her goal for the survey is to study the professional application of social media technologies in public relations and journalism and I feel pretty certain that many of you have strong feelings on the subject to share….

To take the anonymous online survey, click on this link:

Once the data is collected and analyzed, a research report will be available for you to download from

If you have any questions about this study, you can contact the researcher directly at Please see the information sheet for consent to participate in this study for more information.

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