The chapter will be holding its annual board of directors election in early December. Help us continue to improve our services to journalists in New Mexico and West Texas by standing for the board!

Our bylaws allow our members to elect up to six at-large board positions. An at-large board member’s duties include regularly attending board meetings to develop policies and deliberate other actions the board takes on behalf of the chapter, serving on committees and helping organize events. Our board meetings are routinely held over Zoom, so we can accommodate you no matter where you live!

This is a simple and rewarding way to help build a strong community of journalism in our state.

We’re accepting nominations for one-year, at-large terms on the board (from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2020) through 5 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 24. The officer candidates (president, vice presidents, treasurer and secretary) will be nominated from among the current board members, as specified in our bylaws.

All board members must be chapter members in good standing when their term begins.

To nominate yourself or another member for an at-large position, please send an email to the chair of the elections committee, John R. Roby (jroby2 “at” Please include:

  1. A brief bio for the ballot
  2. A headshot in .jpg or .png format, appropriate for web display.
    For examples, see our existing board members’ bios.
    You can also email John with any questions.

On Sunday, Dec. 1, all current SPJ-Rio Grande members will receive an election email with instructions on how to submit a ballot. Voting will be open through until 5 p.m. Friday, Dec. 6. We’ll report the results of the election to members Saturday, Dec. 7.

Categories: SPJ Board

John R. Roby

John Roby is the former vice president/communications for the Rio Grande Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists.