follow the money

Join the SPJ Rio Grande Chapter for trainings on FollowTheMoney‘s pilot ‘Anomaly Detection’ tool in February.

The tool uses statistical and artificial intelligence algorithms to identify potential reporting leads based on campaign finance data that is outside historical norms. The training will also show reporters how to use FTM’s “My Legislature’ tool with NM’s 2017 legislative committees and bill feeds that allow reporters to track specific legislation to see how donors overlap with legislation and lawmakers.


Travel stipend may be available. Email Denise for more information:

FollowTheMoney Trainers: JT Stepleton (researcher) and Scott Wahl (data scientist)

1) Wednesday, Feb. 1st5:30 – 7:30 pm
NMSU Corbett Center, Senate Chambers
Las Cruces, NM

(light dinner provided)

2) Thursday, Feb. 2nd, 12:30 – 2:30 pm
Santa Fe Community Foundation
Santa Fe, NM
(Lunch provided)

3) Thursday, Feb. 2nd, 5:30 – 7:30 pm
Albuquerque, NM
(light dinner provided)