Feeling the pressure of covering non-stop coronavirus stories? IRE is offering a free online seminar on how to cope with the stress.

From their site:

Al Tompkins of Poynter and Sidney Tompkins, a licensed psychotherapist, have been working with newsrooms to help journalists manage traumatic stress. Now, with nonstop coverage of the coronavirus spread, self-quarantines and economic fallout, journalists are facing an unprecedented amount of stress. Al and Sidney will give a short presentation and then talk with attendees about the challenges they face and strategies to cope.

The seminar begins at 4 p.m. Mountain Time and is open to all journalists, whether a member of IRE or not. They only ask that you register in advance here.

Categories: Training

Jerry Redfern

Jerry Redfern is an at-large board member for the Rio Grande Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists.