This scanning electron microscope image shows SARS-CoV-2 (yellow)—also known as 2019-nCoV, the virus that causes COVID-19—isolated from a patient in the U.S., emerging from the surface of cells (blue/pink) cultured in the lab. Credit: NIAID-RML

New! Local New Mexico links:

And here is a handy PDF of how viruses and immune systems work, with clear descriptions of how COVID-19 is different from other viruses and the flu. It was prepared by Joanna Redfern, PhD, for a college-level biology class she teaches. She got her PhD in biology at UNM a few years back.

Now follows a list of resources we hope you find helpful as you report on the COVID-19 pandemic. We will update this as we find more/new/interesting sources – please do send us helpful links you come across in your reporting. We will also post updates to the SPJ Rio Grande FB page.

First tips: AP Style is “COVID-19” (uppercase w/hyphen) and “coronavirus” (lowercase, one word).

And also from AP: It’s cancel, canceled, canceling and cancellation.

Good luck, and stay well!

Reporting tips:

Staying safe while reporting on a pandemic:

COVID-19 pages for reporters:

Jerry Redfern

Jerry Redfern is an at-large board member for the Rio Grande Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists.